What is the possible time commitment for me each week/month?
Students need to be available for two weeks of camp, June 13-19 2021 and June 2022. Students live in residence during these camp weeks.
Additionally, each year there is a one day mid-semester retreat in January.
Ideally students and their mentors will meet every-other week or every two weeks for a time of mentoring/reflection. During those meeting times you will also be working together on a service project of your choosing. The time commitment will vary for each Fellow depending on the project that you will develop.
What if the student can't fulfill all of the required meeting dates due to a job, athletics, or family commitments, etc.?
We can’t predict everything in the future. But the expectations are that Passage has priority, within reason: we can work around some student obligations on the same weekend as the January retreat. As for summer jobs, students would need to arrange their schedules around those two weeks in June 2021 and 2022. Those two weeks are the lynchpins of the Fellowship, everything else turns on those critical times of worship, education, and fellowship.
The Passage Fellowship requires a fair amount of commitment from students, and that is why we would consider you a “Fellow,” not a participant or a camper. This is also why you would receive a certificate in Christian leadership from LeTourneau University and why we are working to make scholarship money available for completing the Passage Fellowship.
Will there be any costs? If so, approximately how much?
This program is valued at over $4,000. Our work, however, is funded by a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Foundation and Letourneau University. With that said, other than travel cost you may incur, Passage Fellows are only responsible for the one time payment of $360. We would love for you to partner with your church in raising that $360. If you should decide to go that route, we have some example support letters that you can provide your church with.